Hermes Color Guide: REAL 1:1 HAND-STITCHED CUSTOM HERMES BIRKIN KELLY CONSTANCE Evelyne LINDY Picotin Garden Party in SIZE MINI,25,28,30,40 …

Hello, this is HoooGoods. Embrace Slow Fashion! Real 1:1 Hand Stitched Bags and HandMade Jewelry. ✈️ Global Shipping. Any or More Items, pls WhatsApp:

Hermes bags are available in a stunning range of colours, from classic black and tan to the more rare orange or pink.

Hermes Color Code Chart
Hermes Color Code Chart

Real 1:1 FULL HANDMADE Hermes bag, 如:BIRKIN, KELLY, CONSTANCE, Evelyne, LINDY, Picotin, Garden Party … and VIP Exclusive U Horseshoe Stamp … for sale. Among the fashion elite, there is no greater status symbol than an Hermès special order bag.

Our HERMES BAG second to no one else’s. We pride ourselves on the authentic look, genuine material and feel of our items. Top-Notch ALL Hand Stitched! You will hardly find Better Quality than Ours! Advanced Handmade customization! free worldwide shipping.

Any interest, OR Asking for a catalogue and current price list, please contact us on WhatsApp: OR VISIT OUR WEBSITE:

01 Himalaya 喜马拉雅

8D Himalaya Gray 灰色喜马拉雅

Dalmatien 灵感来自于大麦町犬

Pink Dalmatien 粉色大麦町犬

1B Ombre 原色/小喜马拉雅

8L Beton 奶油白

01 White/Blanc 白色

10 Craie 奶昔白

16 Taupe 灰褐色

18 Etoupe 大象灰

19 Mousse 摩丝灰

80 Pearl Gray 珍珠灰

81 Gris Tourterelle 斑鸠灰

82 Gris Agate 玛瑙灰

85 Ardoise 石板灰

88 Graphite 石墨灰

89 Black/Noir 黑色

8F Etain 锡器灰

8P Plomb 马铁灰

4Z Gris mouette 海鸥灰

M8 Gris Asphalte 沥青灰

22 Safran 赛峰黄

21 Naturel-Sable 自然桑迪色

27 Natural 自然色

28 Caramel 焦糖色

30 Noisette 榛子色

34 Fauve 黄褐色

37 Gold 金色

1F Argile 钻石灰

2C Curry 咖喱色

2H Kraft 卡夫

3G Alezan 板栗色

3C Parchemin 羊毛白

S2 Trench 风衣灰

1H Toffee 太妃金

33 Miel 蜜糖棕

35 Cognac 科涅克白兰地

41 Havane 哈瓦那色

45 Marron Fonce 深棕色

46 Ebene 乌木色

47 Chocolate 巧克力色

48 Cocaon 可卡因

4A Caffe 咖啡色


4G Brule 布鲁尔色

4H Cacao 可可色

41 Marron D’lnde 印度布朗色

3S Macassar 檀木灰

6C Cuivre 古铜色

36 Brique 砖红色

93 Orange 橙色

94 Terre Cuite 陶瓷粉

3H Ocre 赭石色

5F Potiron 南瓜色

5K Tangerine Orange 柑橘橙

9J Feu Orange 火焰橙

9M Sanguine 三文鱼色

9T Capucine 金莲花色

9Z Mango 芒果色

L5 Crevette 龙虾粉

8V Orange Poppy 罂粟橙

R1 Terre Battue 泥土橘

9Y Pain d’Epice 姜饼色

51 Rouge Exotique 异国红

53 Rouge Vif 正红色

54 Rouge Garance 中国红

55 Rouge H 爱马仕红

56 Rouge Moyen 手段红

57 Bordeaux 波尔多酒红

95 Braise 法拉利红

2R Rouge Pivoine 牡丹红

5E Vermillon 朱砂红

5Q Rouge Venitien 威尼斯红

5X Rouge Piment 辣椒红

5Z Rouge Indien 印度红

A5 Bougainvillier 杜鹃红

B5 Ruby 宝石红

D5 Geranium 天竺葵红

Q5 Rouge Casaque 国旗红

S5 Rouge Tomato 番茄红

2V Rouge Duchesse 公爵夫人红

K1 Rouge Grenade 石榴红

1Q Rose Confetti 奶昔粉

3L Rose The Laiton 黄铜茶粉

5J Fuschia 桃红色

5P Pink 樱花粉

5R Rose Shocking 惊艳粉

5U Rose Dragee 杏仁粉

3Q Rose Sakura 新樱花粉

P1 Rose Eglantine 蔷薇粉

8T Rose Candy 玫瑰糖果色

8W Rose Azelee 新唇膏粉

I6 Rose Extreme 极致粉

L3 Rose Pourpre 玫瑰紫

Y1 Vanille 香草色

1Z Jaune Poussin 小鸡黄

2P Cumin 茴香色

9D Ambre 琥珀黄

9H Soleil 太阳黄

9R Lime 柠檬黄

9U Moutarde 芥末黄

9V Jaune D’or 太阳黄

C9 Soufre 鹅蛋黄

M9 Mimosa 金盏花黄

58 Prune 西梅紫

59 Raisin 葡萄紫

96 Violet 紫罗兰

97 Mauve 锦葵紫

5H Cyclamen 薰衣草紫

5L Ultraviolet 极度紫

9G Amethyste 紫水晶

9I Magnolia 玉兰粉

9K Iris 鸢尾紫

9P Parme 帕尔马紫

9W Crocus 梦幻紫

P9 Anemone 海葵紫

3W Prunoir 茄子紫

N5 Cassis 加仑紫

4W Clycine 紫藤色

21 Aubergine 茄子紫

8C Gris Elephant 大象灰

66 Vert Anis 茴香绿

67 Vert Fonce 祖母绿

1K Bombou 竹子绿

2Q Vert Anglais 英国绿

6D Chartreuse 黄绿色

6E Pistache 黄连木色

6F Lichen 青苔色

6G Pelouse 草坪色

6H Vert Veronese 橄榄绿

6L Vert Bengale 孟加拉绿

6Q Vert Emeraude 翡翠绿

6R Kiwi 奇异果绿

6U Vert D’Eau 新薄荷绿

6W Menthe 薄荷绿

C6 Vert de Gris 灰绿色

K6 Cranny 裂缝绿

V6 Canoppe 丛林绿

Z6 Malachite 孔雀绿

Q1 Sauge 豆沙绿

1T Vert Titien 泰坦绿

1L Cactus 仙人掌绿

U4 Vert Vertigo 丝绒绿

08 Bleu Pale 淡蓝色

71 Bleu France 法国蓝

73 Bleu Saphir 宝石蓝

75 Bleu Jean 牛仔蓝

76 Bleu Indigo 印度蓝

77 Bleu Iris 鸢尾蓝

78 Bleu Marine 深海蓝

79 Aqua 新水蓝

1P Colvert 鸭子蓝

2T Bleu Paradise 天堂蓝

7A Bleu Thalassa 湖海蓝

7B Turquoise 松石蓝

7C Cobalt 钴蓝

7E Bleu Brighton 明蓝色

7F Bleu Paon 孔雀蓝

7G Ciel 天空蓝

7K Bleu Abysse 深渊蓝

7L Bleu De Malte 马耳他蓝

7M Blue Azteque

7N Celeste 糖果蓝

7P Blue De Presse 普鲁士蓝

7Q Mykonos 海水蓝

7R Azure Blue 天青蓝

7T Blue Electric 电光蓝

7V Lagon 湖水蓝

7W Blue Izmir 伊兹密尔蓝

J7 Blue Lin 亚麻蓝

k7 Blue Obscur 黑暗蓝

N7 Blue Tempete 风暴蓝

S7 Blue De Galice 保加利亚蓝

T7 Blue Hydra 水妖蓝

Y7 Blue Orage 风暴蓝

Z7 Blue Ocean 海洋蓝

8X Blue Baltique 波罗海蓝

3P Blue Atoll 马卡龙

2Z Blue Nuit 午夜蓝

3Z Blue Saint Cyr 圣西尔蓝

8U Blue Glacier 冰川蓝

R2 Blue Agate 玛瑙蓝

U2 Zephyr Blue 微风蓝

B3 Zanzibar Blue 坦桑尼亚蓝

2020 爱马仕新色代码

U8 Bronze Dore 铜金色
2S Sesame 芝麻色
G8 Vert Maquis 丛林绿
3I Vert Criquet 牛油果绿/酪梨绿/蟋蟀绿
T0 Bleu Brume 雾蓝色/圣杯蓝/雾霾蓝

2019 爱马仕新色代码

S3 Rouge de Coeur 心红色
9O Jaune de Naples 那不勒斯黄
X9 Mauve Sylvestre 锦葵紫,说是紫色,但其实可以被归类在粉色类
P3 Bleu Du Nord 北方蓝
30 Deep bleu 深蓝色,很实用的秋冬新色
W0 Vert Bosphore 博斯普鲁斯绿(伊斯坦堡海峡绿)
D0 Beige de weimar 威玛犬米


89 Noir 黑色
37 Gold 金棕(经典驼)
18 Etoupe 大象灰,其实颜色满深的,如果想要浅一点的灰,我觉得偏暖的斑鸠灰更好看一些

10 Craie 奶昔白(铅笔白),这个会比纯白常见一点,个人认为也比较耐看
S2 Trench 风衣灰
8F Etain 锡器灰
80 Gris Perle 珍珠灰
81 Gris Tourterelle 斑鸠灰

R2 Bleu Agate 玛瑙蓝
2Z Bleu Nuit 午夜蓝
7P Bleu De Prusse 普鲁士蓝
7F Bleu Paon 孔雀蓝
1P Colvert 鸭子蓝
8U Bleu Glacier 冰川蓝
P3 Bleu Du Nord 北方蓝(2019 春夏新色)
I7 Bleu zellige 马赛克蓝(2018 秋冬新色)
S1 Deep bleu 深蓝色(2019 秋冬新色)
M3 bleu encre 墨水蓝(2018 秋冬新色)

W0 Vert Bosphore 博斯普鲁斯绿(伊斯坦堡海峡绿,2019 秋冬新色,其实更像蓝色)
6O Vert Cypres 松柏绿(2018 秋冬新色,因为有非常漂亮的绿黑色,近期非常热门)
63 Vert Amande 杏仁绿
Z6 Malachite 孔雀绿
U4 Vert Vertigo 丝绒绿(2017 秋冬新色)
61 Vert Olive 橄榄绿
U1 Vert Verone 维罗纳绿

D0 Beige de weimar 威玛犬米(2019 秋冬新色)
6C Cuivre 红铜色
28 Caramel 焦糖
93 Orange 经典橘

95 Braise 法拉利红
K1 Rouge Grenat 石榴红
55 Rouge H 爱马仕红
57 Bordeaux 波尔多酒红

P1 Rose Eglantine 蔷薇粉
3Q Rose Saiura 樱花粉
5P Pink 粉红色
I5 Flamingo 火烈鸟粉
3L Rose Tea 玫瑰茶色
K4 Rose D’ete 夏日玫瑰粉(2018 秋冬新色)
8W Rose Azalee 杜鹃粉

P.S – the Names of Hermès Bags
When you learn the names of Hermès bags, you’ll notice the key distinctions that set each one apart as a highly coveted fashion accessory. While a Birkin may look a lot like a Kelly to the uninitiated, collectors recognize and appreciate the unique qualities of each. The nine Hermès bag styles we cover here all have meaningful names and play a unique role in your wardrobe.

Hermes Birkin
It’s fitting that the Birkin bag tops our Hermès bag name list. It certainly has the most intriguing backstory. Widely considered the “Holy Grail” of luxury handbags, the history of the Birkin bag begins with a meet-cute between actress and singer Jane Birkin and Hermès artistic director and CEO Jean-Louis Dumas. Birkin, not only a professional entertainer but also a busy mother of three, was seated next to Dumas on a flight from Paris to London in 1983. As she placed her wicker basket in the overhead compartment, its contents spilled out, prompting Dumas to recommend a leather handbag.

Birkin explained that she couldn’t find a stylish, secure bag that could carry as many things as her basket did. The two discussed what a bag would need to suit Birkin’s hectic, jet-setting lifestyle, and Dumas began sketching. One year later, in 1984, Hermès introduced the Birkin bag. The results rocked the fashion world. The Birkin is the most celebrated of all Hermès bag names and may be the most coveted bag on the planet.

Jane Birkin and Serge Gainsbourg

Hermes Kelly
The Hermès Kelly bag is the only possible rival to the Birkin’s status as the most desirable fashion accessory in history. Its story may be just as interesting as well. The Hermès bag name for this style was originally the Sac à Dépêches, or the Dispatch bag. In 1954, the costume designer for the Alfred Hitchcock film To Catch a Thief chose the bag for Grace Kelly’s character to carry. The legendary actress fell in love with the bag and kept it after the film’s release.

Grace Kelly, then Princess Grace of Monaco, was later photographed carrying her bag to hide her baby bump. The photo made the cover of Life magazine. Fashionable women worldwide soon clamored for the “Kelly bag.” Although the handbag instantly became known as the “Kelly bag”, it was not officially renamed until 1977.

Grace Kelly with the original Kelly Bag

Hermes Constance
The next Hermès bag name on our list is the lovely shoulder bag Constance. In 1959, Jean-Louis Dumas asked in-house designer Catherine Chaillet to create the bag. Chaillet was pregnant with her fifth child at the time and the bag was named Constance in honor of her daughter. Rumor has it that both bag and daughter made their debuts on the same day. Ironically, Chaillet never returned to work after giving birth.

Hermes Evelyne
The casual Evelyne is a stylish Hermès crossbody bag also with a female namesake. In 1978, Evelyne Bertrard, the head of Hermès’ riding department at that time, and her team, created a bag to be a convenient carryall for horse grooming equipment. The bag, named the “Evelyne” after Bertrard, had a simple messenger-like silhouette, with a defining feature – a perforated “H” design on the back, which allowed for aeration of the grooming tools while those were carried.

The Evelyne was sold only in Hermès equestrian department until the beginning of the 21st century, when Hermès understood that it appealed to a wider audience and it was moved to the leather goods department. Today, fashion-savvy women turn the Evelyne around, displaying the perforated “H” to the world.

Hermes Lindy
The Lindy bag was first introduced to the public during the Hermès 2007 spring-summer collection. Designed by Frédéric Vidal, the bag was created as a homage to the American Street Dance, Lindy Hop. An atypical silhouette for Hermès, the Lindy was specifically designed so that the handles are perpendicular to the body of the bag enabling the wearer to keep her/his body in a natural position. This is in contrast to most handbags, whose handles are typically parallel to the body of the bag which requires the wearer to adjust the position of her/his arm to keep the bag parallel to the body. Carried by the handles, the bag folds in the middle with an exaggerated slouch. Worn over the shoulder by its detachable shoulder strap, the Lindy shows off its singular shape and style.

Hermes Bolide
The Hermès Bolide bag was designed by Emile Hermès as a gift for his wife. Released in 1923, it is one of the first bags that Hermès created for non-equestrian use. Originally called “le sac pour l’auto,“ the bag’s name was changed to Bolide, which translates to “comet,” a popular nickname for sports cars. The bag was the first bag that incorporated a zipper, an innovation that Emile Hermès patented after discovering it on a cloth automobile top during a visit to Henry Ford.

Hermes Picotin
While most Hermès bag names are female-inspired, the Picotin is purely equestrian inspired. Picotin is the French term for a unit of horse feed and bag resembles a horse’s feed bag, with loops to fit over the ears and a roomy bucket shape to hold the food. The original Picotin was phased out after the Picotin Lock bag was introduced in 2002, a redesign that added the brand’s signature Kelly lock and key to the already loved bucket bag.

Hermes 24/24
The Hermès bag named 24/24 was launched in 2018 and was named to convey that it can be effortlessly worn around the clock.

Hermes Geta
Introduced in 2021, the Hermès bag style Geta is inspired by and named for traditional Japanese platform sandals. The prominent “H” closure on the front is mirrored on the back, forming the bag’s feet and providing the mechanism to adjust the wide canvas strap. It offers a chic, contemporary aesthetic.

2023 愛馬仕新色代碼

Orange minium 紅丹橘 / 鉛丹橘(星瑩獨家翻譯)

Vert comics 漫畫綠

0W Gris Neve 水晶灰

愛馬仕在 2023 春夏推出的新色中,最受人注目的是「Orange minium 紅丹橘」,這是愛馬仕中深橘色裡面最明亮的,甚至有愛馬仕藏家認為這將會是新的「愛馬仕橘」。

2019 – 2022 愛馬仕新色代碼

Hermes 2022 新色
大2022 hermes

0M Chai 奶茶色

0L Gris Meyer 積雨雲灰

0S Vert Fizz 汽泡綠 / 氣泡綠

0T Mushroom 蘑菇白

3Y Caban 黑藍色 / 海軍黑 * (星瑩獨家翻譯)

09 Mauve Pale 夢幻紫 / 夢幻粉紫 / 淡紫色

Limoncello 檸檬酒黃 / 甜酒黃

*:愛馬仕在 2022 年推出、非常耐看的「Caban」在法文中其實專指一種海軍常穿的雙排扣防水短大衣,Caban 的特色是帶有帽子、衣領很寬、臀部有翻蓋口袋,顏色為深藍或深黑——都是為了適應海上多變氣候而做的特殊設計,現今的 Caban 也常在袖口或領口帶有錨型繡花。

因此除了直白的「黑藍色」以外,我認為稱它為「海軍黑」更加信達雅,特別分享給大家,如果你有買到漂亮的愛馬仕 Caban 色皮件,歡迎用「海軍黑」這個中文來稱呼——但請務必標明出處喔!

此為我以個人知識提供的獨家譯文,星瑩樂於分享、交流(半上流社會就是為此開設),但不代表我同意代購業者、媒體、其他中文 KOL、Youtuber、Blogger、博主、網紅(族繁不及備載,你們各位都懂)等人在未經同意的情況下引用,上述朋友如要引用,請先與我聯絡。

2021 新色
R9 Jaune Bourgeon 嫩芽黃

O6 Vert Jade 翡翠綠 / 帝王綠 / 碧玉綠

0G Rouge Sellier 馬鞍紅 / 紅棕 ( 马鞍红 / 红棕)

90 Framboise 覆盆子紅 / 紅莓

hermes 201921

2020 新色
棕色系:U8 Bronze Dore 銅金色、2S Sesame 芝麻色

綠色系:G8 Vert Maquis 叢林綠、3I Vert Criquet 牛油果綠/酪梨綠/蟋蟀綠

藍色系:T0 Bleu Brume 霧藍色/聖杯藍/霧霾藍、0F Blue Frida 弗里達藍 / 佛羅里達藍

紅色系:0E Rose Texas 德克薩斯粉 / 德薩斯州粉 / 德州粉、0D Rose Mexico 墨西哥玫瑰 / 墨西哥粉

2019 新色
棕色系:D0 Beige de weimar 威瑪犬米

綠色系:W0 Vert Bosphore 博斯普魯斯綠 / 伊斯坦堡海峽綠、63 Vert Amande 杏仁綠、VO Vert Rousseau 盧梭綠

藍色系:C1 Blue outremer 異域藍 / 海外藍、P3 Bleu Du Nord 北方藍、30 Deep bleu 深藍色,很實用的秋冬新色

紅色系:S3 Rouge de Coeur 心紅色、X9 Mauve Sylvestre 錦葵紫,說是紫色,但其實可以被歸類在粉色類

黃色系:9O Jaune de Naples 那不勒斯黄

米色系:I2 Nata 奶油白

20191228202807 49

89 Noir 黑色

37 Gold 金棕(經典駝)

18 Etoupe 大象灰,其實顏色滿深的,如果想要淺一點的灰,我覺得偏暖的斑鳩灰更好看一些

20191209200250 90

10 Craie 奶昔白(鉛筆白),這個會比純白常見一點,我覺得也比較耐看,這個顏色的 BKC 我都有,很常用

S2 Trench 風衣灰

8F Etain 錫器灰

80 Gris Perle 珍珠灰

81 Gris Tourterelle 斑鳩灰

en20230116mushroom 03

順便附上 2022 年最新的「Mushroom 蘑菇白」、2019「Nata 奶油白」與 Craie 鉛筆白等顏色的比較(比較圖由 lecrin 提供),排在一起看就可以發現 Nata 偏黃,Craie 偏粉,而蘑菇白就是比較柔和的純白色,不管哪種白都很美!

20191229004142 54

R2 Bleu Agate 瑪瑙藍

2Z Bleu Nuit 午夜藍

7P Bleu De Prusse 普魯士藍

7F Bleu Paon 孔雀藍

1P Colvert 鴨子藍

8U Bleu Glacier 冰川藍

P3 Bleu Du Nord 北方藍(2019 春夏新色)

I7 Bleu zellige 馬賽克藍(2018 秋冬新色)

S1 Deep bleu 深藍色(2019 秋冬新色)

M3 bleu encre 墨水藍(2018 秋冬新色)

20191229004144 92

W0 Vert Bosphore 博斯普魯斯綠(伊斯坦堡海峽綠,2019 秋冬新色,其實更像藍色)

6O Vert Cypres 松柏綠(2018 秋冬新色,因為有非常漂亮的綠黑色,近期非常熱門)

63 Vert Amande 杏仁綠

Z6 Malachite 孔雀綠

U4 Vert Vertigo 絲絨綠(2017 秋冬新色)

61 Vert Olive 橄欖綠

U1 Vert Verone 維羅納綠

D0 Beige de weimar 威瑪犬米(2019 秋冬新色)

6C Cuivre 紅銅色

28 Caramel 焦糖

93 Orange 經典橘

20191229004146 43

95 Braise 法拉利紅

K1 Rouge Grenat 石榴紅

55 Rouge H 愛馬仕紅

57 Bordeaux 波爾多酒紅

20191229004148 22

P1 Rose Eglantine 薔薇粉

3Q Rose Saiura 櫻花粉

5P Pink 粉紅色

I5 Flamingo 火烈鳥粉

3L Rose Tea 玫瑰茶色

K4 Rose D’ete 夏日玫瑰粉(2018 秋冬新色)

8W Rose Azalee 杜鵑粉

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  1. 2020 爱马仕新色代码

    U8 Bronze Dore 铜金色
    2S Sesame 芝麻色
    G8 Vert Maquis 丛林绿
    3I Vert Criquet 牛油果绿/酪梨绿/蟋蟀绿
    T0 Bleu Brume 雾蓝色/圣杯蓝/雾霾蓝

    2019 爱马仕新色代码

    S3 Rouge de Coeur 心红色
    9O Jaune de Naples 那不勒斯黄
    X9 Mauve Sylvestre 锦葵紫,说是紫色,但其实可以被归类在粉色类
    P3 Bleu Du Nord 北方蓝
    30 Deep bleu 深蓝色,很实用的秋冬新色
    W0 Vert Bosphore 博斯普鲁斯绿(伊斯坦堡海峡绿)
    D0 Beige de weimar 威玛犬米


    89 Noir 黑色
    37 Gold 金棕(经典驼)
    18 Etoupe 大象灰,其实颜色满深的,如果想要浅一点的灰,我觉得偏暖的斑鸠灰更好看一些

    10 Craie 奶昔白(铅笔白),这个会比纯白常见一点,个人认为也比较耐看
    S2 Trench 风衣灰
    8F Etain 锡器灰
    80 Gris Perle 珍珠灰
    81 Gris Tourterelle 斑鸠灰

    R2 Bleu Agate 玛瑙蓝
    2Z Bleu Nuit 午夜蓝
    7P Bleu De Prusse 普鲁士蓝
    7F Bleu Paon 孔雀蓝
    1P Colvert 鸭子蓝
    8U Bleu Glacier 冰川蓝
    P3 Bleu Du Nord 北方蓝(2019 春夏新色)
    I7 Bleu zellige 马赛克蓝(2018 秋冬新色)
    S1 Deep bleu 深蓝色(2019 秋冬新色)
    M3 bleu encre 墨水蓝(2018 秋冬新色)

    W0 Vert Bosphore 博斯普鲁斯绿(伊斯坦堡海峡绿,2019 秋冬新色,其实更像蓝色)
    6O Vert Cypres 松柏绿(2018 秋冬新色,因为有非常漂亮的绿黑色,近期非常热门)
    63 Vert Amande 杏仁绿
    Z6 Malachite 孔雀绿
    U4 Vert Vertigo 丝绒绿(2017 秋冬新色)
    61 Vert Olive 橄榄绿
    U1 Vert Verone 维罗纳绿

    D0 Beige de weimar 威玛犬米(2019 秋冬新色)
    6C Cuivre 红铜色
    28 Caramel 焦糖
    93 Orange 经典橘

    95 Braise 法拉利红
    K1 Rouge Grenat 石榴红
    55 Rouge H 爱马仕红
    57 Bordeaux 波尔多酒红

    P1 Rose Eglantine 蔷薇粉
    3Q Rose Saiura 樱花粉
    5P Pink 粉红色
    I5 Flamingo 火烈鸟粉
    3L Rose Tea 玫瑰茶色
    K4 Rose D’ete 夏日玫瑰粉(2018 秋冬新色)
    8W Rose Azalee 杜鹃粉

  2. 1Z Jaune Poussin 小鸡黄
    9R Lime 柠檬黄
    R9 Jaune Bourgeons嫩芽黄
    3I Vert Criquet 牛油果绿
    1K bambou 竹子绿
    6W Menthe薄荷绿
    1L Vert Cactus 仙人掌绿
    U4 Vert Vertigo 丝绒绿(2017 秋冬新色)
    O6 Vert Jade 帝王绿
    47 Chocolate 巧克力
    Rouge Sellier 紫褐色(2021年最新色,很多色卡里找不到这个颜色,我有问sales这个颜色的代码,不过还没回复给我)
    58 Prune梅紫色
    59 Raisin葡萄紫
    55 Rouge H爱马仕红
    10 Craie 奶昔白
    7G Ciel 天青色
    Y7 Bleu Orage 蓝灰色
    46 Ebene 乌木色
    8F Etain 锡器灰
    L3 Rose Pourpre玫瑰紫
    9I Rose Magnolia 玉兰粉
    X9 Mauve Sylvestre 锦葵紫
    3Q Rose Sakura 新粉色
    5P Pink 樱花粉
    1Q Rose Confetti 奶昔粉
    5R Rose Shocking 艳桃粉
    E5 Rose Tyrien 桃红色(古罗马的城市)
    0D Rose Mexico 玫红色(2020年秋冬新色)
    Framboise覆盆子红色(中等色调的粉红色和红色底色,跟上面Rouge Sellier一样,2021年最新色,代码我还没问到)
    I6 Rose Extreme 极致粉
    8W Rose Azalée 新唇膏粉
    U5 Rose Lipstick 唇膏粉
    T5 Rose Jaipur 蜜桃粉
    0E Rose Texas橘调珊瑚(2020秋冬新色)
    T0 Bleu Brume 雾蓝色/圣杯蓝/雾霾蓝
    P3 Blue de nord 北方蓝
    0F Bleu Frida 带有绿的松石色(2020秋冬新色)
    S4 Deep Blue 深邃蓝
    2Z Blue nuit 午夜蓝


    I2 Nata奶油白
    1S Foin 麦垛黄色(初夏淡黄色草甸)
    2S Sesame 芝麻色
    U8 Bronze Dore 铜金色
    2C Curry 芥末黄
    9R Lime 糖果黄
    3I Vert Criquet 牛油果绿/酪梨绿/蟋蟀绿
    T0 Bleu Brume 雾蓝色/圣杯蓝/雾霾蓝(我的最爱,也是我的Lindy颜色)
    39 Navy Blue 海军蓝(其实这个颜色也算回归色,一种非常深的法国海军色)
    G8 Vert Maquis 丛林绿
    R1 Terre Battue红土色


    S3 Rouge de Coeur 心红色
    9O Jaune de Naples 那不勒斯黄
    X9 Mauve Sylvestre 锦葵紫(说是紫色,但其实可以被归类在粉色类)
    P3 Bleu Du Nord 北方蓝(此颜色也算回归色,2015年我在大象灰和这个颜色中纠结过)
    30 Deep bleu 深邃蓝(2020年秋冬新色)
    W0 Vert Bosphore 博斯普鲁斯绿(伊斯坦堡海峡绿)
    D0 Beige de weimar 威玛犬米


    89 Black黑色(2Z Bleu Nuit 午夜蓝、6O Vert Cypres 松柏绿这两个是非常漂亮的深黑色系,在各种不同的光源下,会有不同光泽,比黑色更有质感)
    37 Gold 金棕(经典驼)
    18 Etoupe grey大象灰(其实颜色满深的,如果想要浅一点的灰,我觉得偏暖的斑鸠灰更好看一些)

    8F Etain 锡器灰
    4A Cafe 咖啡色
    47 Chocolate 巧克力色
    4H Cocoan 可可色
    4V Rouve 铁锈色
    37 Gold 金色
    8C Gri Elephant 大象灰
    41 Havanne 雪茄色
    45 Marron Fonce 深棕色
    33 Miel 琥珀色

    7F Bleu Paon 孔雀蓝
    1P Colvert 鸭子蓝
    P3 Bleu Du Nord 北方蓝(2019 春夏新色)
    I7 Bleu zellige 马赛克蓝 (2018 秋冬新色)
    S1 Deep bleu 深邃蓝(2019 秋冬新色)
    M3 bleu encre 墨水蓝 (2018 秋冬新色)
    R2 Bleu Agate 玛瑙蓝
    7L Blue de malte 马耳他蓝
    74 BLUE ROI 皇家蓝
    T7 Blue Hydra 水妖蓝
    B3 Blue Zanzibar 坦桑尼亚蓝
    7T Blue Electric 电光蓝
    73 Blue saphir 宝石蓝
    77 BLUE IRIS鸢尾花蓝
    2Z Bleu Nuit 午夜蓝
    7P Bleu De Prusse 普鲁士蓝
    J7 Bleu Lin 亚麻蓝
    8U Bleu Glacier 冰川蓝
    Y7 Bleu Orage 飓风蓝/灰蓝色
    76 Bleu Indigo 靛蓝
    Denim Fonce 牛仔布蓝
    78 Blue Marine海军蓝
    7K Bleu Abysse深海蓝
    K7 Bleu Obscur深蓝色
    Z7 Bleu Ocean深海蓝

    7V Lagon湖蓝色
    7F Bleu Paon 孔雀蓝
    7N celeste天蓝色
    7M Bleu Azteque阿玆特克蓝
    P3 Bleu Du Nord 北方蓝(2019 春夏新色)
    7B Turquoise blue 松石蓝
    2T Blue Paradise 天堂蓝
    T7 Blue Hydra 水妖蓝
    B3 Blue Zanzibar 坦桑尼亚蓝
    I7 Bleu zellige 马赛克蓝(2018 秋冬新色)
    75 Blue Jean 天蓝色(根据皮革的不同,可以是明亮或苍白)
    7R Azur碧蓝色
    7C Cobalt钴蓝色
    7W Bleu Izmir伊玆密尔蓝
    7Q Mykonos希腊蓝
    7E Bleu Brighton普蓝色
    R2 Bleu Agate 玛瑙蓝
    7A Blue THALASSA地中海蓝色(比Blue Jean更深)
    S7 Bleu De Galice加利西亚蓝
    7T Bleu electrique电光蓝
    7L Bleu de Malta马耳他蓝

    3P Blue Atoll马卡龙蓝
    3Z圣西尔蓝/冰泣淋蓝Blue Saint cyr
    7G Ciel天空蓝
    Blue Petrol 皇家蓝色阴影(白色底色)
    U2 Bleu Zephyr 微风蓝
    N7 Bleu Tempete风暴蓝


    66 Vert Anis 茴香绿
    6G Pelouse 草坪绿
    Z6 Malachite 孔雀绿
    6R Kiwi 奇异果绿
    6W Menthe薄荷绿
    W0 Vert Bosphore 博斯普鲁斯绿 (伊斯坦堡海峡绿,2019 秋冬新色,其实更像蓝色)
    6O Vert Cypres 松柏绿(2018 秋冬新色,因为有非常漂亮的绿黑色,近期非常热门)
    2Q Vert Anglais 英国绿
    63 Vert Amande 杏仁绿
    U4 Vert Vertigo 丝绒绿(2017 秋冬新色)
    61 Olive green橄榄绿
    6H Vert Veronese 维罗纳绿
    6Q Vert emeraude 翡翠绿

    95 Braise 法拉利红
    K1 Rouge Grenat 石榴红
    55 Rouge H 爱马仕红(深红葡萄酒,带有蓝色和粉红色底色)
    57 Bordeaux 波尔多酒红
    Q5 Rouge Casaque卡萨克红
    54 Rouge Garance茜草红
    B5 Rubis宝石红
    D5 Geranium天竺葵红
    9T Capucine 火焰橙
    Q5 Rouge Casaque 国旗红

    D0 Beige de weimar 威玛犬米(2019 秋冬新色)
    6C Cuivre 红铜色
    28 Caramel 焦糖
    93 Orange 经典橘
    9M Sanguine 鲜红色(2011)
    9Z Mangue 芒果黄
    5F Potiron南瓜黄

    I5 Flamingo 火烈鸟粉
    3L Rose Tea 玫瑰茶色
    K4 Rose D’ete 夏日玫瑰粉(2018 秋冬新色)
    8W Rose Azalee 杜鹃粉
    P1 Rose Eglantine 蔷薇粉
    3Q Rose Saiura 樱花粉
    5P Pink 粉红色
    5U Rose Dragee 糖果粉
    J5 Rose Sheherazade梦幻粉
    U5 Rose eLipstick唇膏粉
    5T Rose玫瑰色
    L5 Crevette虾红色
    E5 Rose Tyrien蜜桃粉
    T5 Rose Jeipur斋普尔粉
    A5 Bougainvller杜鹃红
    5J Fushsia悬铃花紫/桃红色

    9K Iris 鸢尾紫(深蓝色底色)
    5L Ultraviolet亮紫色
    9G Amethyst 水晶紫
    59 Raisin 葡萄紫(明亮的深紫色,比紫罗兰色浅)
    83 Lilac 浅藕紫(白色底色)
    9P Parme 帕尔马紫
    9W Crocue 梦幻紫
    P9 Anemone 海葵紫
    N5 Cassis 黑加仑(最深纯紫色)
    58 Prune 深紫色(深蓝色底色,黑暗而温暖的紫色)
    4W Glycine 紫藤花
    5H Cyclamen 薰衣草紫(粉红色和薰衣草色的混合)
    3V Aubergine 茄子深紫
    96 Violet 紫罗兰 (明亮的紫色,比Raisin更深)
    97 Mauve 淡紫色
    J5 Rose sheherzade 天方夜谭粉紫
    5K taurillon 托斯卡紫红

    01 Blanc白色
    10 Craie 奶昔白(铅笔白),这个会比纯白常见一点
    S2 Trench 风衣灰
    8F Etain 锡器灰
    80 Gris Perle 珍珠灰
    81 Gris Tourterelle 斑鸠灰

  3. Hermes Color Guide

    Color Name Color Code Leathers
    Noir (Black) 89 Togo
    Gold 6 Togo
    Himalaya Niloticus Mat (Matte)
    Blanc (White) 1 Clémence
    Beton 8L Alligator Mat (Matte)
    Gris Perle 80 Togo
    Ombre 1B Lizard
    Gris Tourterelle 81 Togo
    Gris Asphalte M8 Togo
    Grioret Chèvre Myzore
    Etoupe 18 Togo
    Taupe 16 Clémence
    Etain (Tin Grey) 8F Clémence
    Mousse 19 Ostrich
    Gris Mouette 4Z Togo
    Gris Agate Ostrich
    Gris Paris Alligator Mat (Matte)
    Vert de Gris C6 Togo
    Dalmatien 102 Buffalo
    Gris Foncé (Deep Grey) Lizard
    Graphite 88 Togo
    Plomb 8P Clémence
    Ardoise Negonda
    Prunoir 3W Clémence
    Rose Eglantine P1 Swift
    Rose Dragée 5U Swift
    Rose Sakura 3Q Clémence
    Rose (Pink / Bubblegum) 5P Chèvre
    Mauve Sylvestre X9 Epsom
    Fuchsia Ostrich
    Rose Confetti 1Q Epsom
    Rose Lipstick U5 Epsom
    Rose Azalée 8W Epsom
    Rose Tyrien E5 Epsom
    Tosca K5 Togo
    Rose Extrême I6 Clémence
    Rose Shocking 5R Chèvre myzore
    Rose Schéhérazade J5 Niloticus Mat (Matte)
    Rose Pourpre L3 Togo
    Magnolia 9I Clémence
    Bois de Rose (Rosewood) Clémence
    Terre Cuite (Terracotta) 94 Ostrich
    Crevette L5 Clémence
    Flamingo I5 Epsom
    Rose Candy 8T Togo
    Rose Thé Laiton 3L Clémence
    Rosy Togo
    Rose Jaipur T5 Epsom
    Rouge Pivoine 2R Togo
    Bougainvillier (Bougainvillea) A5 Clémence
    Rouge Indien Alligator Mat (Matte)
    Rouge Tomate Clémence
    Géranium D5 Alligator Mat (Matte) / Togo
    Braise 95 Niloticus Lisse (Shiny)
    Rouge Vif 53 Tadelakt
    Bourgogne Alligator Mat (Matte)
    Rouge H 46 Epsom
    Rouge Grenat K1 Togo
    Rouge Impérial 52 Toile officier
    Rouge de Coeur S3 Togo
    Rubis Togo
    Rouge Duchesse Country
    Rouge Moyen 56 Lizard
    Rouge Casaque Q5 Epsom
    Rouge Vénitien Buffalo Sindhu
    Rouge Piment 5X Negonda
    Rouge Vermillon 5E Togo
    Bordeaux 57 Togo
    Rouge Garance 54 Togo
    Sienne 4E Togo
    Cuivre 6C Togo
    Brique Epsom
    Marron Negonda
    Marron Foncé 45 Ardennes
    Moka Moka
    Noisette 30 Chèvre
    Fauve 34 Barenia
    Cigare Grain d’H
    Marron d’Inde 4I Fjord
    Alezan 3G Togo
    Oregano Alligator Mat (Matte)
    Toundra 6T Negonda
    Etrusque 32 Lizard
    Cognac 35 Epsom
    Brûlé 4G Togo
    Gris Eléphant Niloticus Mat (Matte)
    Havane 41 Clémence
    Terre 4D Fjord
    Miel 33 Porosus
    Écorce 4C Togo
    Chocolat (Chocolate) 47 Clémence
    Cacao 4H Togo
    Café 4A Clémence
    Ébène Clémence
    Macassar 3S Togo
    Cocaon 48 Porosus
    Ecru Toile H
    Mangue 9Z Epsom
    Feu 9J Epsom
    Orange Poppy 8V Togo
    Capucine 9T Togo
    Terre Battue Togo
    Sanguine Fjord
    Potiron 5F Clémence
    Orange H 93 Swift
    Pain d’Epices Niloticus Mat (Matte)
    Tangerine 5K Ostrich
    Abricot (Apricot) I9 Clémence
    Moutarde 9U Country
    Cardamome Negonda
    Curry 2C Clémence
    Paille 1A Tadelakt
    Safran 22 Ostrich
    Naturel (Natural) 29 Togo
    Sable Naturel (Natural) 21 Clémence
    Toffee Clémence
    Caramel 1H Togo
    Kraft 2H Clémence
    Ficelle 17 Lizard
    Craie (Chalk) 10 Country
    Vanille (Vanilla) Alligator Mat (Matte)
    Parchemin (Parchment) 3C Clémence
    Beige 14 Buffle Sindhu
    Argile 1F Clémence
    Blanc Cassé 12 Ostrich
    Trench Togo
    Poussière 1C Alligator Mat (Matte)
    Tabac Camel 24 Clémence
    Ocre 40 Buffle Sindhu
    Jaune Poussin 1Z Epsom
    Soufre C9 Epsom
    Lime 9R Chèvre myzore
    Jaune de Naples Clémence
    Mimosa Alligator Mat (Matte)
    Soleil 9H Togo
    Cumin 2P Chèvre myzore
    Jaune (Yellow) 92 Epsom
    Ambre (Amber) 9D Epsom
    Naturel Bouton d’Or Agneau
    Jaune d’Or 9V Epsom
    Vert d’Eau 6J Alligator Mat (Matte)
    Vert Cru Togo
    Kiwi 6R Epsom
    Vert Anis 66 Togo
    Pelouse 6G Negonda
    Vert Bengal 6L Negonda
    Cactus 1L Alligator Mat (Matte)
    Menthe 6W Chèvre myzore
    Bambou (Bamboo) 1K Clémence
    Vert Véronèse 6H Togo
    Vert Vertigo U4 Clémence
    Malachite Z6 Epsom
    Sauge Q1 Clémence
    Lichen Fjord
    Canopée V6 Chèvre myzore
    Vert Olive Togo
    Vert Anglais Epsom
    Vert (Green) Clémence
    Vert Foncé 67 Niloticus Lisse (Shiny)
    Vert Cyprès 60 Togo
    Bleu Pale Clémence
    Bleu Glacier 8U Togo
    Bleu Lin Togo
    Ciel Clémence
    Bleu Zéphyr U2 Epsom
    Bleu Atoll 3P Epsom
    Bleu Saint-Cyr 3Z Clémence
    Aqua 79 Chèvre myzore
    Lagon Togo
    Bleu Paon Clémence
    Céleste Epsom
    Bleu aztèque Chèvre myzore
    Bleu du Nord P3 Togo
    Turquoise Clémence
    Bleu Paradis (Paradise Blue) 2T Clémence
    Bleu Hydra T71 Fjord
    Bleu Zanzibar Togo
    Bleu Zellige I7 Togo
    Bleu Jean 75 Togo
    Bleu Azur 7R Togo
    Cobalt 7C Togo
    Bleu Izmir Epsom
    Bleu Mykonos 7Q Togo
    Bleu Brighton 7E Swift
    Bleu Agate Swift
    Bleu Thalassa Epsom
    Bleu de Galice S7 Togo
    Bleu Electrique (Electric Blue) 7T Togo
    Bleu de Malte 7L Togo
    Bleu Saphir (Sapphire Blue) T7 Clémence
    Bleu Encre M3 Clémence
    Bleu Roi 10A Ostrich
    Bleu Iris 77 Ostrich
    Bleu Orage Togo
    Bleu Tempête N7 Country
    Bleu Colvert 1P Clémence
    Bleu de Prusse 7P Togo
    Denim Foncé Toile H
    Bleu Obscur K7 Clémence
    Bleu Nuit 2Z Clémence
    Bleu Royal Toile officier
    Bleu Indigo 76 Togo
    Bleu Marine 78 Alligator
    Bleu Abysse
    Bleu Océan Z7 Togo
    Bleu Pétrole 70 Lizard
    Crocus Epsom
    Iris 9K Togo
    Ultraviolet Clémence
    Améthyste 9G Alligator Mat (Matte)
    Raisin 59 Togo
    Lilas Chèvre Mysore
    Parme Chèvre Mysore
    Violet 96 Ostrich
    Anémone P9 Togo
    Cassis N5 Fjord
    Prune Clémence
    Glycine Clémence
    Cyclamen 5H Chèvre Mysore
    Aubergine 3V Alligator Mat (Matte)
    Bleu Carbone 2U
    Bleu Minuit 7I
    Bronze Mat 4M
    Brune 58 Clémence
    Camel 23 Togo
    Désert 1D
    Framboise 90 Clémence / Porosus Lisse (Shiny)
    Griotte 8B
    Grany K6 Togo
    Gris Pâle 3X Box
    Galet 2G
    Gris Moyen 86 Feutre
    Marron d’Inde 4I
    Maïs 1G Alligator
    Naturel Foncé 27
    Orange melon M6
    Pêche U9
    Rouille 4V Niloticus Mat (Matte)
    Rouge exotique 51 Lizard / Ostrich
    Rouge coquelicot 7B
    Rose été 4K Evercolor
    Rosewood G5 Clémence
    Rouge chinois 3M
    Emeraude (Emerald) 6Q Niloticus Lisse (Shiny)
    Vert chartreuse 6D Clémence
    Vert florentin 6I Matt Porosus
    Violine 5C Ostrich
    Vert titien 1T Matt Niloticus / Ostrich
    Vert Vérone U1 Epsom
    Beige corde F1
    Biscuit 01P Swift
    Bleu littoral V5
    Bleu pilote 3
    Bleu noir 5H1
    Bleu chemise 6G1
    Bleu Foncé (Deep Blue) S4 Epsom
    Gris macadam 5I
    Bleu maritime V7
    Bleu étrusque I4
    Gris ténorite 606
    Marron glacé 1月19日 Buffle / Box / Cuir des Ardennes
    Marine I2
    Palissandre 181
    Rose velours 1E
    Rouge de chine 8B1
    Vapeur 94P
    Vert argile 1X
    Vert amande 63 Chèvre
    Bleuet Ostrich
    Gris Vert Lizard
    Jade Porosus Lisse (Shiny)
    Picnic Picnic
    Vert Bronze
    Edition Spéciale (Special Edition)
    Bleu Celeste
    Bronze Dore
    Vert Criquet
    Bleu Brume
    Vert Maquis

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